Iko Uwais credited as playing...
- Christmas: [after killing Rahmat's last remaining henchmen] How you doing, Rahmat?
- Rahmat: I see you like to play with knives.
- Christmas: Well, I ain't playing no more. You're gonna give me the kill switch, and we're gonna end all this.
- Rahmat: Come and get it, hero.
- [Rahmat draws a pair of tonfas and the two men fight]
- Rahmat: [to Russo, while offering a prisoner exchange for Bai] No funny business. It's your call whether the Expendables need to live up to their namesake or not.
- Rahmat: [while Christmas and Rahmat are fighting, Christmas manages to stab Rahmat in the shoulder] Is that the biggest one you've got?
- [Rahmat takes the knife out of his shoulder and he and Christmas continue to fight; eventually, Christmas manages to knock Rahmat down and impale Rahmat in the chest with a tomahawk]
- Christmas: No, that's the biggest one I got.
- Christmas: [after killing one of Rahmat's men] Takk can't come to the phone right now.
- [looks at Takk's corpse]
- Christmas: He's a little limp.
- Bok: Who is this?
- Christmas: [Rahmat takes the walkie talkie] A man who made a mistake letting you live. But I'm here to remedy that.
- Rahmat: Ah, look who's still trying to be a hero. How nice of you to come aboard. If you're hoping for a redo of the mess in Libya, you're too late, I'm afraid. My men are on their way to hunt you down. So I guess it's up to me to put you in an early grave. Just like I did your friend in Libya.
- Christmas: Correction, he wasn't my friend. He was my brother. So you can bring your army. Bring all the fucking men you want and I'll work through every last one of them. When I get to you, I'll make sure that the only way you leave this ship is in a wonderful variety of pieces.
- [drops walkie talkie and flees]