When coming in to land at Bangor, the pilot's headset disappears in a shot looking at the back of his head. The next time he is visible (from the front), his headset is there again.
(at around 46 mins) When landing in Bangor, Bethany is (not) wearing her vest.
Amount of clouds in the sky after the landing in Bangor.
(at around 49 mins) When the plane is flying over the supposedly lifeless Maine landscape, a herd of cows can be seen grazing on a hillside.
(at around 50 mins) Nothing is supposed to have power, but there are working flood lights on the exterior shots of the Bangor terminal.
(at around 19 mins) When initially investigating the missing people and the condition of the airplane, Brian looks at a screen that gives the airplane's transponder code (or "squawk") as 7777. An airliner would never be squawking that code, since this particular code is reserved for military interceptor operations.
L-1011, model of the plane is, stamped on the front side of the plane. At least as of this time, the model number of the plane was not imprinted on the outside of the vehicle.
When approaching Bangor airport the pilot announced his craft is "heavy." The L1011 is not a heavy craft.
(at around 1h 1 min) When Jenkins looks at the battery powered clock in the Bangor airport, he opens the battery compartment. The batteries are supposed to be installed in alternating directions. However, the first three batteries are installed wrong, since they are all facing the same way. This was apparently to give the clock the appearance of having been frozen in time even though there were batteries installed.
(at around 1h 11 mins) When Craig Toomey found the gun in the locker, all the bullets had a hole in the primer so that they couldn't be fired (they were stage bullets).
Toomy's father slaps Toomy in the airport terminal. Toomy crouches down, and the red tape mark he was using becomes visible.
When the sleeping passengers wake up at the beginning and notice the other passenger's belongings are scattered around, no clothes are left behind. It's understood that only flesh and live-animated material disappeared. Even a passenger's dentures are left behind as shown in one shot. If this were true, the clothes would be scattered around as well.
Non organic material such as watches, wigs, pacemakers and glasses does not disappear when people go through the rift so presumably it is only living tissue that can't go through - which means that clothes and shoes should also remain behind, but they don't.
Boom mic visible when Toomy's father appears in the airport terminal and folds his newspaper.
When Albert Kaussner introduces himself, he states that he is going to Boston to attend Berklee School of Music. Since 1970, Berklee has been Berklee College of Music.