- The story unfolds against the backdrop of the vineyards of the Krasnodar Territory, and the main character of the lyrical comedy turns out to be a man who is trying to restart his life in order to become happy again and return to his family. According to the plot, the Moscow top manager Egor Antonov has all the components of a successful life: a large position in a corporation, high earnings, a beloved family. He owes all this to his wife's father, who once took him under the wing of his company. The father-in-law does not like his son-in-law, but for the sake of his daughter and grandson he tolerates him in the family. One day, the main character starts an affair with an intern, which becomes known to his father-in-law. He immediately fires Egor and informs his daughter about his infidelity. In one second, a successful businessman loses everything: status, friends, family and access to your own card. Suddenly, fate presents him with a dubious gift - he becomes the owner of unprofitable vineyards in his native Anapa. Egor knows nothing about winemaking and returns to his homeland after 20 years. Here he has to start from scratch, figure out what he really wants in life, and return love.
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