Agha G. A. Gul performed the opening ceremony of Fazli Film's "Khab-i-Zindagi" at New Evernew Studios. A duet song was recorded in the voices of Naheed Niazi and Saleem Raza set to music by ... Read allAgha G. A. Gul performed the opening ceremony of Fazli Film's "Khab-i-Zindagi" at New Evernew Studios. A duet song was recorded in the voices of Naheed Niazi and Saleem Raza set to music by Safdar. Sibtain Fazli is the producer and director of the film. Neelo and Aslam are in the... Read allAgha G. A. Gul performed the opening ceremony of Fazli Film's "Khab-i-Zindagi" at New Evernew Studios. A duet song was recorded in the voices of Naheed Niazi and Saleem Raza set to music by Safdar. Sibtain Fazli is the producer and director of the film. Neelo and Aslam are in the lead.