- Benjamin Asher: [after Banning kills a terrorist as his brother listens via radio] Was that necessary?
- Mike Banning: No.
- Mike Banning: [hands Ben a pistol] Point this end towards the bad guy.
- Benjamin Asher: This is not good, Mike.
- Mike Banning: Stay in here, stay down, and if anybody but me opens that door, you empty that into him.
- Benjamin Asher: What if you don't come back?
- Mike Banning: You're fucked.
- Benjamin Asher: Mike...
- Mike Banning: Don't jinx me.
- [closes the doors]
- Benjamin Asher: That was inspiring...
- Mike Banning: [fighting Kamran] You know what you assholes don't get? We're not a fucking building! We're not a fucking flag! We're not just one man! Assholes like you have been trying to kill us for a long fucking time. But you know what? A thousand years from now, we'll still fucking be here!
- Mike Banning: [the President just saved his life by killing a bad guy] I was wondering when you were gonna come out of the closet.
- Benjamin Asher: That's not funny.
- Aamir Barkawi: You think this war, this war that you started, you think it's over? I'll dedicate my life to your death. This war will not end.
- VP Trumbull: Maybe you should look out your window.
- Benjamin Asher: [out jogging] What are you made of?
- Mike Banning: [starts running backwards] Burbon and poor choices sir
- SAS SGT: [Mike is about to storm the terrorists' bunker] Are you fucking crazy?
- Mike Banning: Yeah, wish me luck.
- Lynne Jacobs: [dying] I never thought you'd outlive me.
- Mike Banning: [struggling to compose himself] Me neither.
- Lynne Jacobs: [fiercely] Do me a favor. Stay alive. You gotta live to see your kid. Make those fuckers pay.
- Kamran Barkawi: Not many people get to have their death witnessed by billions.
- Benjamin Asher: I'm not the only one who's gonna die today, Kamran.
- Mike Banning: How was your vacation, sir?
- VP Trumbull: Do you have any idea the joy a man experiences pulling a 70- pound king mackerel out of the waters around Jekyll Island?
- Mike Banning: No, sir, I don't.
- VP Trumbull: Neither do I...
- SAS SGT: There's more than 100 terrorists in there!
- Mike Banning: Yeah? Well, they should've brought more men.
- Benjamin Asher: [after a narrow escape] What took you so long?
- Mike Banning: I had a couple errands to run.
- Mike Banning: Why don't you boys pack up your shit and head back to Fuckheadistan or wherever it is you're from.
- Benjamin Asher: We should go for the embassy.
- Mike Banning: No, they'll be expecting that. There's an MI6 safehouse near here. I have a contact there. We go there, we wait it out, and we get an extraction.
- Benjamin Asher: Do you trust them?
- Mike Banning: Yeah.
- [indicating a dead terrorist who was posing as a police officer]
- Mike Banning: The fact is, every single one of these guys is a terrorist asshole until proven otherwise. The only person you trust right now is me, okay?
- Benjamin Asher: Mike, you don't let them take me.
- Mike Banning: I'm not going to.
- Benjamin Asher: Let me finish. If it comes to it, if it's going to happen...
- Mike Banning: Sir...
- Benjamin Asher: [cutting him off] Mike. If it comes to it, I want you to kill me. That's an order. I will not be executed for propaganda as my son and the American people see me on fucking YouTube for the rest of their lives.
- Benjamin Asher: I was just thinking about my son. He sends me these jokes every day. It's kind of our... I don't know, our thing or...
- [chuckles]
- Benjamin Asher: a little off color. His mother wouldn't approve, but... I'll tell you something, Mike. These little messages I get from him every day... they mean everything, you'll see.
- [pauses]
- Benjamin Asher: Most important thing: never criticize, always encourage. You just want them to be passionate. That's what I always tell my son. Find something you care about and care deeply. That and the golden rule: treat others as you'd like to be treated.
- VP Trumbull: To those who threaten our freedom: America will rise up. And make no mistake; we will find you, and we will destroy you.
- Benjamin Asher: [about a drone strike on Barkawi] We didn't know his family would be there, his daughter was among those that died.
- Mike Banning: Well it looks like he got his revenge
- Kamran Barkawi: [about a drone strike] I held my sister in my arms as she died in my arms. We all have our monsters, Mr. President.
- Benjamin Asher: How many do you think died?
- Mike Banning: I don't know. A lot.
- Benjamin Asher: All those innocent people. Dead, because of me.
- Mike Banning: No, not because of you. Because of them. They're trying to kill you, sir. And they've killed all these people just to make everyone else a little more afraid. Well, fuck that and fuck them.
- Kamran Barkawi: You should have let us kill him quickly, because now... we're going to kill him slowly.
- Agent Bronson: [arriving at the cathedral] What's wrong?
- Mike Banning: Nothing. Bugs the shit out of me.
- Mike Banning: I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty as fuck.
- [drinks up a glass of water]
- Mike Banning: Mmm.
- VP Trumbull: [from Trailer] What do you want?
- Aamir Barkawi: Your president.
- VP Trumbull: That's not going to happen.
- [MI6 Operative "Jax" Marshall confronts treasonous MI5 Intel Chief John Lancaster, the "mole" for international terrorist Aamir Barkawi, in the New Scotland Yard underground garage]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: Next time you wanna leave town after betraying your country, how's about you steal a car to take you to your getaway vehicle? Preferably one without a GPS, 'cause that's just takes all the fun out of it. You forgot to delete your access logs. Your authorization code's there, bright as day. The security cameras show you logging on.
- [whispers]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: Just get on the floor.
- MI5 Intel John Lancaster: Do I have to tell you this is the most dangerous time since the Great War? They're cutting budgets while the barbarians are at the gate. The system's failing us, Jax. It's broken. You know it as well as I do. Things have to change.
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: So you thought you'd teach us all a lesson?
- MI5 Intel John Lancaster: That and 20 Million euros. Come with me, Jax.
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: [undeterred] Get on the fucking floor.
- [Lancaster refuses to do so, attempting to walk away. Jax then notices his gun in his suitcase]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: John.
- [becomes cross]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: John, get on the floor.
- [becomes angrier]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: Get on the floor, John!
- [Lancaster still refuses to comply]
- MI6 Jacquelin Marshall: [screams] GET ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!
- [Jax then shoots Lancaster twice, killing him]
- Aamir Barkawi: London is just the first stop. Just imagine every major city, descending into chaos. Your president dies tonight.