I have been eagerly awaiting an opportunity to view this film directed by Travis Legge since being very favourably impressed with his previous film 'Dry Spell' which starred Suzi Lorraine a couple of years ago. I was certainly not disappointed with 'Bloom' and my high expectation was wholly fulfilled.
Many of the technical quality ingredients which made 'Dry Spell' such an enjoyable viewing experience are present once again in a film which although different in many ways is based on a script which unravels into an interesting storyline which maintains attention from beginning to end.
Skillful use of camera and lighting makes up for lack of financial resources. Optimimum use is made of equipment available and acting skill. Angles and perspective are spot on in contributing to ensuring that the concentration of the viewer is firmly focused and not allowed to drift as events unfold at a steady pace.
Another of the reasons why I was looking forward to the release of 'Bloom' was that I had noted two of the cast members were a couple of talented young actresses, namely Danielle Doetsch and Deann Baker, who had captured my attention in previous films.
I first observed Danielle in 'Bikini Girls on Ice' and subsequently kept an eye open for future appearances. I particularly like the range of expressions that she utilises. She is a very versatile actress who I feel has a very bright future and I look forward to viewing further examples of her work in the not too distant future.
Deann had a supporting role in 'Dry Spell' but her performance persuaded me to to make a note of her name for future observation. In 'Bloom' she plays the lead role and there is no doubt that she is the dominant presence in the film and is seldom off screen. This is a challenging situation for any young actress but it is clear that she Deann has grasped the opportunity afforded her and turned in a five star performance. Indeed, this film is like a showcase for her talent and hopefully it will lead to further deserved lead role appearances. She can certainly handle such situations on the evidence of this very confident performance.
In conclusion, it is anticipated that I will be giving this film repeated viewing over the coming months just as I have done to 'Dry Spell' previously. Travis Legge has completed a double success as far as I am concerned.