Professor Bartlett hits the nail on the head, and exposes a number of deceitful methods that are widely used placate an unthinking public.
Unfortunately he passed away in 2013.
The technical quality of copy I watched was extremely poor, but the content more than made up for that; a welcome change from most of the drivel we see, which is completely the opposite.
PLEASE WATCH THIS, and tell your friends to too; maybe Social Media can help to start people seeing through a lot of the misinformation that is being broadcast by people who should (and probably do) know better.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy had 42 as the Answer to the Universe, but maybe 70 is a better candidate.
If you don't remember anything else from this documentary, remember 70; divide 70 by any Percentage Growth Rate to get the No. of Years a quantity will take to Double;
5% Growth Doubles in about 14 years