during the release of the film Mahesh Kothare said he felt the presence of late Laxmikanth Berde on the sets of the film and in between he would go aside fro everyone and would say Lakshya is the shot Ok.
The sequel was released 20 years after its original,Laxmikanth Berde who played the lead role in the original is credited to the film by showing him dead in photograph.
It was rumored that Laxmikanth Berde's son Abinay Berde would play the lead in Zapatlela 2 but he was to young to step in and finally Mahesh Kothare casted his son Adinath Kothare in lead.
The part of Kubdya Khavis was essayed by Abhijit Chavan who was not in the prequel.
Madhu Khambikar,Vijay Chavan,Mahesh Kothare and Raghvendra Kadkol essay their characters from the original.