The film is produced by Fluffy Cat Productions Inc. A strong advocate of supporting women in the entertainment industry, producer Nadia Jordan enlisted a predominantly female crew. A portion of the profits from the film will be donated to the Enough Project charity, Not On Our Watch's main partner.
The film showed at the 2017 Chicago Comedy Film Festival, La Femme International Film Festival 2017, the 2017 Orlando Film Festival and the Saint Paul Frozen Film Festival 2018.
Inspired by George Clooney and his humanitarian work, Jordan had the idea for the movie after reading a book written by John Prendergast and Don Cheadle titled Not on Our Watch. The book details the history of Sudan and how the Darfur crisis evolved and urges readers to get involved and take action to raise awareness in various ways, including hosting a film screening. George, in his capacity as co-founder of Not On Our Watch (NOOW), channeled significant support to NOOW's main partner organization, Enough. At the time of concept George Clooney was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the world. According to Jordan this is what prompted her to come up with the story for the film, which was originally titled Looking for George Clooney.
The film tells the story of Poppy, a jilted wife who leaves her cheating husband in England and sets off to Los Angeles hoping to meet who she believes is the perfect man, George Clooney.
For the Love of George (2018) is a 2018 comedy film produced by Nadia Jordan, directed by Maria Burton and written by Jordan and Hayley Nolan. Jordan also stars in the film alongside Rosanna Arquette, Tate Donovan, Rex Lee, Shaun Sipos and Kristen Johnston.