- Jack Reagan: What's the fastest you've ever gone in an RMP?
- Jamie Reagan: Ahhh, last year I was chasing a perp down the FDR. We got it goin' about 85.
- Jack Reagan: Did you catch 'im?
- Jamie Reagan: Yeah. Hit that traffic snag south of the Tri-Borough Bridge, slowed down to about 5. I just hopped out, jogged up and collared him.
- [Henry guffaws]
- Nicky Reagan-Boyle: Wait, so, who got the most speeding tickets growing up? Was it you, Uncle Danny?
- Danny Reagan: No, it wasn't me. And it wasn't your Uncle Joe. In fact, it wasn't even your Uncle Jamie.
- Henry Reagan: It was your lead foot Mother.
- Erin Reagan: Grandpa!
- Nicky Reagan-Boyle: Mom!
- Henry Reagan: In Joe's hot rod.
- [Nicky laughs]
- Jamie Reagan: SS Chevelle 396. I still miss that car.
- Frank Reagan: Which you totaled.
- Jamie Reagan: Well, it wasn't my fault!
- Frank Reagan: You know, one in that shape now? Upwards of $50 grand.
- Jamie Reagan: Ohhh, thanks for the update.
- Henry Reagan: As I was saying...
- [Erin groans]
- Henry Reagan: So, your mother borrows Joe's car to take some friends down to the Jersey Shore. Trooper's clocked her on the Garden State Parkway... at 112.
- Nicky Reagan-Boyle: Oh my God!
- Frank Reagan: One of the great things about parents, Nicky, is you can learn from their mistakes.
- Henry Reagan: I remember another time...
- Erin Reagan: Grandpa! Please!
- [Nicky giggles]