As Parinth's grandmother prepares to pass down the company to him, she is eager for him to find a romantic partner. She hires the kind and hardworking First to serve as her grandson's secretary.
X meets Namping, the man he has been crushing on for many years. Coincidentally Namping's late parents' vehicle is stored at X's company garage. X agreed to restore the car. Ping and X grow closer as each day passes, making sweet memories.
X is saddened to hear Ping will be leaving for Switzerland. Ping promises to return in one year. One year passes the car is all repaired and X excitedly waits. Ping returned just not in the form that X was expecting. Moments to memories.
Green learns guitar from his idol Sian, who often dreams of James. Green's older brother Blue gets Sian to agree to teaching Green guitar. Blue and Sian's relationship quickly becomes intimate. Phukan disturbs Blue no thanks to Sian.
Blue and Phukan talk face to face about the mistake Blue made over a year ago. Sian opens up to Blue about his ex. Green walks in on Sian and Blue. Pun and Inn break up the night before filming, making it difficult to finish the project.
Pun and Roi-Inn kept clashing on set so for homework they were instructed to do a partner's workshop and also watch all their previous works together. Things were going well but from a distance Otto wasn't happy to see this good change.
Pun and Roi-Inn wrap up the last scene for the film's completion. Inn and Pun talk with their guards down, Pun decided to end things cordially. Years later, on the day of Pun's directorial debut, Inn kept his promise he made years ago.