The 4 reviewers on here right now go back to the books. Wake up and investigate/study more. To the brain reviewer talking about relativity, Einstein etc. Watch military videos please of the orbs, plasma orbs etc etc etc. SO much is out there regarding pics and videos that we dont know ANYTHING about gravity etc. BUT select few - black sites containing reversed engineered technology have it figured out. To the rest of the reviewers, proof is already out there. Again, pictures, military videos etc etc etc. Wakeup. Its the TECHNOLOGY thats hidden. Goodbye American energy sector. Goodbye America being a superpower. Free energy. Look it up folks. This is why its all classified as NATIONAL SECURITY. Its not the aliens. Its the TECHNOLOGY they dont want out. Because we ALL become the SAME. NO superpower country. America wont allow that to happen. As we all know.....power and money RULE the world. PERIOD. So yes.....its the 'same ol' story. But more whistleblowers. I guess ALL these whistleblowers are making up one BIG lie !!! Lol.
Wakeup everyone. We need to PHYSICALLY start a civil war inside America. And go into these black sites FULL automatics firing. THATS the only way of getting proof we need. Im in. Sign me up.
Watch out everyone. All the drones happening now. Here it comes. Another FALSE FLAG OPERATION. An alien invasion. Ohhhhh scary. Wakeup people. Its only going to get worse in the skies. Remember all this that you just read. Good luck.