A fairly good animated film for the whole family. The plot centers on the adventure of a wolf cub named Lulu and his friend, a rabbit named Tom. One day, Lulu learns that his mother, whom he lost in childhood, is alive, and together with Tom, he sets off on a long journey to find her. Their search leads them to a mysterious kingdom ruled by ruthless predators. A series of events pulls our heroes into a world of deceit and intrigue, where they must survive and test their friendship. The film is a biting satire on human society, where the elite rule the world and all other creatures are just pawns or toys to them.
Overall, the main problem with the film is that it tries to be both adult and child-friendly simultaneously. Dark tones alternate with bright colors, and bloodthirsty scenes transition into light storytelling. If by the end you find yourself tense, expecting treachery from the main villain and a fierce battle, you will be very disappointed to see what the creators have done with the ending. It's like watching a Game of Thrones episode halfway through, only to suddenly switch to the ending of a Disney movie (like Beauty and the Beast, although even there the battle between the villain and the Beast was much more intense and realistic). The creators couldn't decide on their target audience, which harmed the plot. In France, this film is considered a continuation of the popular book about Lulu's childhood, but for me, someone unfamiliar with it, it's just another animated film to add to the collection. I recommend watching it, but probably only once.