Originally conceived as a sitcom and as a one-hour, one-off drama script by writer Matt Brothers back in 2009 before finding new life as a web series in 2011 after making contact with producer/co-creator Benjamin Quarcoo, whereupon the format changed to focus on the recruitment interviewer (Heather Larson) as the lead character instead.
Shot on consecutive weekends in April 2011 entirely on the premises of Somerset House, London. A lengthy and postponed edit pushed back the release to late 2012.
Commissioned by Benjamin Quarcoo's new Internet TV venture, Eclipse Media.
Originally planned as a ten episode run, with a break after the first five. Although three of the five un-produced scripts were written (episode six by Matt Brothers, episode seven by collaborator Liam Dempsey and episode eight by Stephen Trumble), the production drifted apart after shooting wrapped on the first five episodes, mostly due to time, money and availability issues.