Scoot McNairy credited as playing...
Jackson Norris
- Jackson Norris: You aren't capable of pulling that trigger, Trevor.
- Trevor Slattery: I'm a washed-up actor, mate. You don't know what I'm capable of.
- Jackson Norris: I'm not the one that's going to kill you, Mr. Slattery. I'm here to break you out.
- Trevor Slattery: That's... nice?
- Jackson Norris: Not really. You see, there's somebody who wants to meet you.
- Trevor Slattery: Do I know him?
- Jackson Norris: No. But you took his name... and now he wants it back.
- [first lines]
- Jackson Norris: My name is Jackson Norris. Today will be the most important of my career: my final interview with the most infamous man in America. A man that the world thought was a terrorist called the Mandarin, but is now alleged to be nothing but an actor. Thus far, the subject has been evasive and apparently oblivious to the point of my work. In fact, he seems oblivious to pretty much everything, except his own growing celebrity status, because now the whole world knows his name...
- [Trevor walks down a hallway to cheers from the prisoners]
- Jackson Norris: This is my last chance to get beyond his lies and excuses, to confront the subject with elements of his own past, in order to unlock the truth. Because we need to know, once and for all: who is Trevor Slattery?
- Jackson Norris: So, you mean to tell me that you don't know the history of the Mandarin himself. He was a warrior-king. Inspired generations of men through the Middle Ages, perhaps even further back in time.
- Trevor Slattery: Blah, blah, blah. Who bloody cares, mate? It's a show people want and I gave them a good one. It's not the Mandarin they'll remember. It's the name "Trevor Slattery". It's the brand. "Trev".
- Jackson Norris: You're right. And for that sin you will soon suffer horribly with a hole in your body for every ring of our faith.
- Trevor Slattery: [Chuckles] So... Sorry. What?
- Jackson Norris: You heard me.
- Jackson Norris: Trevor, you told me that when you got this role that you'd researched it thoroughly.
- Trevor Slattery: Yeah, but when an actor tells you he's "done the research" it means he's switched on his computer, googled his own name and had a quick wank.