Giant robots have taken over the earth in the sci-fi thriller, Aurora. Here's a trailer and poster...
In the near future, a super-intelligent computer has built a race of giant robots that promptly take over the entire planet. Sixty years later, a couple of young survivors, Andrew (Julian Schaffner) and Calia (Jeannine Wacker) try to find their way to a mysterious place called Aurora.
That's the basic plot behind this debut feature from director Robert Kouba, who's already made a name for himself thanks to a string of handsomely-produced short films - among them The Rift, The Slender Case and Starters, all released in 2012.
Aurora got its start over at Kickstarter, where it managed to garner its goal of $50,000 back in 2013, when the director billed it as "a twisted robot love story." There's more to Kouba's film that we won't spoil here, but it's probably enough to say that there's...
In the near future, a super-intelligent computer has built a race of giant robots that promptly take over the entire planet. Sixty years later, a couple of young survivors, Andrew (Julian Schaffner) and Calia (Jeannine Wacker) try to find their way to a mysterious place called Aurora.
That's the basic plot behind this debut feature from director Robert Kouba, who's already made a name for himself thanks to a string of handsomely-produced short films - among them The Rift, The Slender Case and Starters, all released in 2012.
Aurora got its start over at Kickstarter, where it managed to garner its goal of $50,000 back in 2013, when the director billed it as "a twisted robot love story." There's more to Kouba's film that we won't spoil here, but it's probably enough to say that there's...
- 4/7/2015
- by ryanlambie
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