An excellent film with an intriguing plot, delivered with a refreshingly down-to-earth storytelling. The buzz about Jennifer Aniston is actually true -- it takes very little time for Aniston to disappear on the screen (and after 15 years of daily Rachel, that in itself is a big achievement). It is someone new we are introduced to in the film, and well... I followed Claire with a mix of annoyance, empathy and curiosity, totally absorbed.
The central story is very good and the big answers are withheld from us in such way that you keep trying and paying attention not to miss anything, because in this film, there is much beauty in the detail. Much to Aniston's credit, it's her performance that grabs you, and the subtlety in how the story is revealed makes our understanding of what's happening to this broken body and soul both moving and endearing. There is humour as well, dark and quick, and it does not let you soak on it for too long. Just as life.
There are some minor "deviations" in the story which don't really add much to the realism of everything else, and it somewhat pulls you back from the emotional depth you had been immersed until then - but those are brief moments.
Small budget, great script, great direction and a solid, moving performance by Aniston (which led me to tears). The remaining cast deserves praise as well, and all comes together really nicel. But it should be said, Aniston has done a brilliant job on this one. She has talent. I would hope Hollywood-land is paying attention and allow us to enjoy more of her in more of these.