Crime action-drama 'Eagle and Hawk' marks the directing debut of Mikio Osawa of legendary Japanese pop band Hikaru Genji! As kids, Washio and Takamura were best buddies and rollerskating riv... Read allCrime action-drama 'Eagle and Hawk' marks the directing debut of Mikio Osawa of legendary Japanese pop band Hikaru Genji! As kids, Washio and Takamura were best buddies and rollerskating rivals. Twenty years later, they're on completely different paths in life -- Washio (Osawa) i... Read allCrime action-drama 'Eagle and Hawk' marks the directing debut of Mikio Osawa of legendary Japanese pop band Hikaru Genji! As kids, Washio and Takamura were best buddies and rollerskating rivals. Twenty years later, they're on completely different paths in life -- Washio (Osawa) is a member of the yakuza and Takamura is now a police detective. While investing the local... Read all