Kung Fury (2015)
Eleni Young: Barbarianna
[Kung Fury exits the time portal into a valley. A velociraptor suddenly appears and destroys his time hacking device with lasers from its eyes]
Kung Fury : [narration] Fuck! That's a laser raptor. I thought they went extinct thousands of years ago.
[Kung Fury and the raptor have an intense stare down until the raptor is suddenly gunned down. He turns around and sees the Viking Babe Barbarianna riding a giant wolf. She points her Gatling gun at him]
Kung Fury : Who are you?
Barbarianna : My name... is Barbarianna.
Kung Fury : What year is this?
Barbarianna : It's the Viking Age.
Kung Fury : [narration] That explains the laser raptor. Fuck! I went too far back in time.
Barbarianna : You need to get out of this valley. This place is swarming with laser raptors. I'll meet you at the God's Drop. Katana can get you there.
Kung Fury : Who's Katana?
Katana : I'm Katana.
[Kung Fury turns around and sees Katana wielding an Uzi]
Katana : I can give you a ride to Asgard.
Kung Fury : A ride on what?
[Next scene shows Kung Fury and Katana riding a tyrannosaurus]
[Kung Fury is about to enter the portal to Nazi Germany]
Kung Fury : Well, looks like this is my ride.
Barbarianna : Hey, future cop. Where are you going?
[Kung Fury stops, then turns around while Barbarianna dismounts from her wolf]
Kung Fury : You know what?
[hands Barbarianna his phone number]
Kung Fury : Here, take my number.
[He then gives her a large car phone]
Kung Fury : And use this phone to call me. It's a personal, transportable cellular telephone. It features 645 channel capacity, 10 number speed dial, and an electronic security lock. This revolution in communication can make it possible for more and more people to have a phone in their car.
[Confused look in Barbarianna and Katana's faces while Kung Fury enters the portal]
[Kung Fury is relaxing at his home when his girlfriend sits and massages his left arm]
Kung Fury : Yeah, that's my bicep.
[Phone rings]
Kung Fury : One second, babe. Hello?
Police Dispatcher : We got an arcade machine down here going crazy! It's killing everybody! It's destruction, chaos, terror, we need...
[Kung Fury crushes the phone receiver and gets up]
Babe : What are you gonna do?
Kung Fury : My job.