A reboot of the "Clank" series. The group behind the film had previously made five short films between the years 2010 to 2013 about the origins of the Clank character. David Anghel portrayed Clank in these five films. When "Nemesis" started production the filmmakers wanted to increase the quality of the film and decided to make it stand alone from the first shorts. The film still includes passing references to the old series.
This film marked the first big production for DEP Films.
David Anghel was originally set to reprise the role of Agent Clank and the script was even written with him in mind. Anghel got into issues when filming was set to commence and it enabled him from reappearing. He was replaced last minute by Pauli Janhunen Calderón because nobody else could get on board in such a short amount of time. Calderón stated that it was an extremely difficult choice, but since he didn't want to cancel the film for everybody else on board, he decided to take the risk.
Shot in 12 days.
Even though David Anghel was absent during the film's shooting process, he was present during the casting and provided story and dialogue ideas.