I absolutely love Baylen and her incredible family. I am a Social Worker who advocates for those with developmental disabilities and special needs.
The consistent desire to live independently is one I hear daily from the people and families I support.
In Illinois we have an agency called The Illinois Assistive Technology Program. They have all of the latest technology to assist people to live independently, from safety devices, communication, devices, even a robotic cat for those who can't have real pets. There is an apartment set up in their building that is equipped with all the latest equipment. There are remote surveillance cameras that can help provide safety and independence. There are so many technologies that can help people live on their own safely and provide some relief to families who fear it is too dangerous. Surely there are these types of agencies all over the country to explore and find solutions. I hope Baylen and those who love her are able to find a solution until something is discovered that can end this struggle for Baylen. She is just so amazing, strong, brave, loving, and hilarious.