This Is Some Of The Stinkiest Hot Garbage Out There. this is a sad attempt at trying to keep the whole American pie G rated pud wacker cinema porn dream alive for these simpleton dudes who try and put themselves in the positions the director is trying to convey. The sandlot kid as a main character? He had his moment in child acting but to try and cast him again. The effort is too little too late. The solutions to the movies qualms were far too abrupt, like the screen writers didn't weigh out any other possible solution or outcome to situations. It literally felt like someone across the table said "how about this?" and whoever called the shots was like "perfect, you're a genius". This movie was just a sad, late attempt at keeping the whole late 90s / early 2000 high school-boy dream alive well into their mid-thirties . Stinky hot garbage. Would not bang or plow.