The animated series "W. I. L. D. Zero" is an interesting project that managed to attract the attention of viewers thanks to its original concept and colorful characters. The plot, centered on the fate of the main character Vlad Shaturov, really offers interesting twists, making viewers think about difficult topics such as loss and overcoming difficulties.
One of the notable advantages of the series is its voice acting. Despite the fact that it is single-voice, the actor's performance is quite high-quality and allows to convey the main emotions of the characters. However, the lack of multi-voice voice acting certainly affects the depth of perception of dialogues and interactions of the characters, which could have added an additional level of involvement to the plot.
Unfortunately, one of the problems of "W. I. L. D. Zero" is the lack of drama, especially considering that at the center of the story lies such an important and sensitive topic as the death of the main character's brother. In this context, the viewer lacks deeper emotional moments that would reveal Vlad's inner experiences and his struggle with grief. This makes it feel like the show isn't fully utilizing its potential to create a deeper, more resonant experience.
Overall, W. I. L. D. Zero is a solid show that has its strengths, but also some flaws that prevent it from being truly outstanding. If you're into adventure stories with dramatic elements, this is definitely worth a watch, but be prepared for some limitations in terms of story depth and emotional impact.