After the scene where Vance shoots the forklift's gas tank which is set on fire and explodes. However, in a later scene as Jamie runs past the forklift nothing is destroyed and the gas tank is intact.
When Eddie is first taken into the security control room at the mall, the digital clock on the wall consistently changes between shots, going up and down. In one shot, the clock reads 8:48 and in the next shot a few seconds later, it has changed to 8:47.
The writing on the marshal's badges and uniforms read 'U.S.A. Marshals'. In actuality, it should read 'U.S. Marshal'.
At the beginning of the siege at the mall, the sniper shoots at somebody on the roof in rapid succession. This is not possible since he uses a single-shot rifle. In fact, when the scene switches to him you can see how he manually reloads the rifle.
Vance describes "Betty" as his "3057" for which he has a conceal/carry permit - even the subtitles say 3057. There is no such gun (since 1849) as a 3057. When it's produced later, Betty appears to be a 6" Colt Python .357 magnum - which is much to large for a practical carry-weapon.
Walkie Talkies hold a maximum of 22 channels. Perhaps more on extremely professional devices but not on pink plastic mall toys. There is no channel 47.
When the protagonist calls his wife the dial tone heard on the phone is clearly not the dial tone that would be heard in the United States. It is a European dial tone indicating that the film was set, but not made, in the United States.
It's clear from the furnishings, the mall's setup and the and the presence of numerous staircases instead of escalators, that the film was made in Europe and not the United States.
During Eddie's introductory tour of the mall, Vance refers to the parking lot as "the car park". That is not a phrase that Americans use. Liam McIntyre is from Australia, which might explain his use of the phrase.