I watched a few of the new romantic comedies that came out this fall (of 2014) and I'm surprised to say that I liked practically all of them! Just saw the pilot of "Marry me" and I thought that I found my new favorite romcom and then....then...I watched (3 ep. in a row) of "Manh(A)ttan Love story"!
This new comedy is really charming and sweet and funny. The cast is surprisingly good and the 2 leads have chemistry and they really make a cute couple.
The dialogs are fast and witty with a lot of good humor.
There is no vulgarity and even some of the awkward moments turn out to be sweet and adding to the sweetness of the show. A romance that, although it seems destined, it will have lots of ups and downs until it becomes a reality.
So, lots of good series out there for the fans of romantic comedies, and Manh(A)ttan...sorry...Manhattan Love story is one of the best. If you enjoy the genre you will love it!