A stellar cast and a breezy tone partially compensate for the movie’s shortcomings.
Original-CinKaren Gordon
Original-CinKaren Gordon
It’s a tricky premise, and maybe a bit too much for first time writer/director Tom Edmunds Not even the reassuring presence of Tom Wilkinson, who makes everything he’s in better, can right this particular ship.
The GuardianPeter Bradshaw
The GuardianPeter Bradshaw
Dead in a Week is striving for a weirdly sentimental kind of black-comic farce, and it doesn’t work.
There is a mixture of styles in Dead In A Week that never quite gels.
Time Out
Time Out
Perhaps the film might have survived the tortuous plotting, sub-sitcom jokes and drab direction if it wasn’t for Barnard’s woefully misjudged, wet blanket performance, but it’s highly doubtful.