Mon, Feb 10, 2014
What happens when food, water, clothes, furniture, medical supplies, blank paper and pens are left in the notoriously underserved community of Skid Row (Los Angeles) for anyone's use? We discover that the Life Line Booth is a place for those experiencing homelessness to share their stories and knowledge with those willing to listen on "the other end of the line."
Mon, Feb 10, 2014
Part one of two; A Life Line Booth is set up in Skid Row (Los Angeles) and is torn down by a neighboring mission.
Tue, Feb 11, 2014
Part two of two; After a neighboring mission tears down a Life Line Booth, the homeless community of Skid Row responds by restoring the booth on the sidewalk across the street.
Wed, Feb 12, 2014
Life Line Booth makes its first collaboration with The St. Francis Center (Skid Row, Los Angeles), a non-discriminatory mission that never turns away those in need. St. Francis Center depends on donations to survive, just like the people it serves. The charity of giving and taking comes full circle when we learn how those experiencing homelessness also return the favor to others.
Sat, Feb 15, 2014
An impromptu Life Line Booth is set up at night, providing a glimpse into the two choices available for those who live in Skid Row (Los Angeles) -- Using the available resources (missions, pantries, sober-living communities, mental health treatment centers) to recover from the circumstances that led to their homelessness - or hustling. The sentiment of 'giving up or pushing on' becomes a theme in the reality of moment-to-moment survival.