Ex On The Beach: Proof positive that people who believe they are really, really good looking are relentlessly self-absorbed, sex obsessed narcissists who treat other people like crap in order to get what they want.
And from what I've seen thus far, they don't have much going on upstairs. Besides their own self image and how to get in someone else's pants, of course.
Yet they're getting paid to behave deplorably in a nice, warm country, while TV cameras record their every move. In the name of what? Are we supposed to live our lives vicariously through these people? Or is this the new low that is lowest common denominator television?
I have been forced to sit through this god-awful show because my teenage kids find it entertaining. I really do despair, I thought I'd raised them better than that. It's enough to make me want to cancel my television licence, sell the telly and replace it with something useful, like a big toilet.
This is just another nail in the coffin of TV entertainment. John Logie Baird must be turning in his grave to see his incredible invention being abused in such a fashion.