I really enjoyed watching this show, so much so that I stayed up til after 1am last night finishing it off and I'm a teacher who has to be at school ungodly early. I probably wouldn't have chosen to watch this on my own. I started the show after my 3 year old got hold of the remote and put it on thinking it was something else, and when I heard the music I thought, "what kind of weird, foreign show is this?" But I turned it back on later and watched the first episode, considering it pretty interesting. I was skeptical at first of the whole undead/ghost plot and wasn't sure how to deal with it plausibly, but quickly became entrenched in the characters and really found myself enjoying each episode. I literally watched the majority of the season last night, because I could not turn it off. I kept saying, "this is the last one," and then it would be such a crazy cliffhanger, that I had to see what happened next. I actually didn't guess the killer until the very end, which I think is fantastic. There were lots of twists and turns, but even more important than plot twists was just that I thought it very good and steadily captivating. It had good acting and writing. It was dark, but I was peaceful at the end. It wasn't hokey, though it was sad. I felt settled after finishing and glad that I'd watched it.