7 Assassins (2013) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows gold that is stolen from the Chinese government and is planned to be used by a rebellion hoping to take down the government. The government sends a group of their best men to uncover the thieves and steal the gold back; however, they aren't the only ones looking to steal the gold...
This movie is codirected by Eric Tsang (Armour of God) and Xin Xin Xiong (Ninja Masters) and stars Eric Tsang (Infernal Affairs), Felix Wong (Legend of the Drunken Master), Ray Lui (Flash Point), Gigi Leung (Full Throttle), Rose Chan (A Legend is Born: Ip Man) and Hongjie Ni (Myth of Love).
The storyline for this is fairly straightforward and fun to watch unfold. The action scenes are fairly creative with some unique sequences that are fun also and the settings, era and props fit the plot perfectly. The cinematography was solid. I wasn't bought in on the characters as much as intended but the final sequence and every scene at the end in the church is entertaining.
Overall this is a fairly average addition to the martial arts genre. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it only if you're a die hard fan of the genre.