At the end of the refinery raid the two men are within a few metres of the sea. The helicopter approaches from the sea, supposedly to avoid Iranian airspace, but it collects the men then escapes by flying over the refinery. This takes it away from safety and into an area where there are unknown gunmen with unidentified weapons.
Since the enemy survivors were going to report the helo's position, they flew over the plant first to throw them off the track.
Since the enemy survivors were going to report the helo's position, they flew over the plant first to throw them off the track.
Cummings receives an envelope addressed to SIS (MI6) at "Westminster Cross", with a postcode indicating Paddington and Bayswater. SIS is actually based at Vauxhall Cross in Lambeth.
During the dockside assault to recover the contraband: an operation of that high level of special operations, especially on domestic soil, would have pre-positioned "catch" elements in case their waterborne target escaped on the water. Even simple police operations routinely do it. Instead, in the movie, the target was free to get away unless the ad hoc pursuit units apprehended it.
On the raid on the chemical plant, Stratton carries a rifle with a grenade launcher. Yet when they're attacked by overwhelming forces, he never uses the grenade capability, in a specific response scenario where it would be employed. This was a carefully planned operation where all gear is selected purposefully, so it's unlikely that he grabbed it at the last minute, and neglected to bring grenades.
The overwhelming forces were coming one at a time. There was no need to wastefully use a grenade when a bullet would do. They did use it against the truck chasing them at 14:50.
The overwhelming forces were coming one at a time. There was no need to wastefully use a grenade when a bullet would do. They did use it against the truck chasing them at 14:50.
One character repeatedly says "I confer" instead of 'concur.'
Misheard line. He is saying Confirm.
Misheard line. He is saying Confirm.
The extraction helicopter in the refinery raid approaches from the sea and Stratton is initially told it cannot change rendezvous location because it would violate Iranian airspace. Airspace does not start at a country's mean tide line but out to sea. No pick-up point they could reach on foot would avoid infringing Iranian air.
The first rendezvous location was to have been at sea. They were going to go out through the tunnel again, not on foot.
The first rendezvous location was to have been at sea. They were going to go out through the tunnel again, not on foot.
Immediately after the refinery raid, the dead US fighter is in a body bag when his mobile phone rings, apparently a call from his partner. No special forces troops would ever take a mobile on a covert operation, and no partner would call when he could be working.
He didn't take it on the covert operation. It was in his kit bag and it was his wife calling, not his partner.
He didn't take it on the covert operation. It was in his kit bag and it was his wife calling, not his partner.
During the final fight scene on the bus, it becomes obvious that the knife of Stratton's attacker is made of some bendable material (most likely rubber).
In the beginning of the movie the soldiers are entering Iran by sea. When they get out of the water, they are dry within seconds. No dripping clothes, no wet footprints on the floors or anything similar.
When Hank shows up, he's wearing a uniform replaced by the US Navy in about 1982.
The memorial plaque to William Donald, beside which Stratton and Sumner pause while walking along the Thames, in fact exists in Postman's Park in the City of London, not on the riverside wall depicted in the film.
This is covered in more detail in Trivia.
This is covered in more detail in Trivia.
In the final few scenes following the bus incident a call is aired that states that the CT team is 2 minutes away but then clarifies this by stating two-zero minutes when it should have been zero-two minutes.
When Marty's replacement arrives he addresses Sgt Stratton as "Sir". This wrong on two counts:
1. As a Sgt, Stratton would not be addressed as Sir.
2. As a Petty Officer he is of the same equivalent rank as Stratton.
He was the new guy and wanted to be polite. Regardless, Stratton told him to not use Sir seconds later.
He was the new guy and wanted to be polite. Regardless, Stratton told him to not use Sir seconds later.
Dominic Cooper's British accent vanishes at several points in the film.