Sheridan Smith shaved her head for the role and had to shave twice a day to avoid shadow.
Once Lisa Lynch knew that the BBC were going to adapt her book into a TV Film she contacted Sheridan Smith via Twitter and asked her to play her on screen. Lisa told her that she was the only actress for the job. They subsequently became friends.
When it was aired on BBC 2 (on the 3rd of May 2015) it had a peak of 4.2 million viewers.
Before end credits, this acknowledgment is seen along with photo of real Lisa Lynch:
"Our thanks to Peter Lynch and the McFarlane family for their generous guidance and support. Professor Kefah Mokbel, The Princess Grace Hospital, Professor Ian Smith, The Royal Marsden Hospital, Riku Kalsi, Health Psychologist. And to all of Lisa's many friends."
Epilogue: "Lisa and Pete had four more holidays during her treatment break. She died peacefully at Trinity Hospice on 11th March 2013 surrounded by her family. The C-Word is in its third printing. Lisa's writing continues to encourage and inspire people living with cancer all over the world."