For the love of all things both holy and unholy I can't seem to figure out WHY this thing is so highly rated. My logical conclusion is that the people that rated it so high were either...high themselves or like kpinsonat stated they worked for the film. The acting was, well let me say I have seen elementary school plays that had better acting. The dialect between the brother and sister was like two grown adults trying to act like they were five. I am pretty sure they have sex with each other although they never show it, but it's insinuated through the whole painful movie. The parents, they were like Ward and June cleaver from the Twilight Zone. The best acting came from the patient with no tongue. I won't even go into the woman having an orgasm while she ate. When they did actually act it was so overdone, like beyond over acting. I laughed through this whole movie, partly because of the really bad acting especially between the brother and sister but at the special effects. Whoever was their QC person needs to be fired, like seriously. Maybe also fire your "special effects" team as well. You can't use THREE different types of fake fingers in a matter of seconds in three different scenes... it doesn't work. Speaking of getting new careers. Actors, please just don't. Stop acting now. You are terrible at it. The brother and sister team however could have a future in porn, I don't know there are some pretty warped individuals out there that might be into that kind of thing. Just please for the love of god STOP ACTING in actual movies. You're terrible at it. Speaking of porn that is what you can compare this acting to...a really bad cheesy 1970's Ron Jeremy flick. Yep same level of acting. Also the people who wrote and directed this should be ashamed of themselves for wasting almost two hours of my time that I will never get back.