Because We're Thespians
- TV Series
- 2014
"Because We're Thespians" is a dramatic comedy series, revolving around the lives of two high-school-age friends, Charlotte Rose Singer and Simon Carter, who both desire to excel in their pr... Read all"Because We're Thespians" is a dramatic comedy series, revolving around the lives of two high-school-age friends, Charlotte Rose Singer and Simon Carter, who both desire to excel in their professions as thespians. Charlotte Rose Singer's modest background as a bakery-worker durin... Read all"Because We're Thespians" is a dramatic comedy series, revolving around the lives of two high-school-age friends, Charlotte Rose Singer and Simon Carter, who both desire to excel in their professions as thespians. Charlotte Rose Singer's modest background as a bakery-worker during after-school hours is the complete opposite of Simon Carter's lavish lifestyle that incl... Read all