While auditioning for the role of "Eve", Director Melanie Scot was torn between two actresses. While Tarra Conner Jones did not fit the physical description of the character, it was her incredible performance that completely embodied the essence of Eve, that won Tarra the role.
In the scene where the boys are ditching the car, Snack gets stuck and can't get out. Because the seat of the car was really broken, and actor Josh Todd didn't know it, he couldn't get out of the car and really got stuck while the director and cast was yelling at him to hurry and get out. Everyone on set was laughing so hard, they decided to keep that fun moment in the final film.
"Sangria" is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX3 Sport.
The dog who plays Ron's dog is actually David Topp's elder Border Collie/Lab mix, "Bella"
One of the filming locations is the historical Annie Lytle Elementary School, in Jacksonville, Florida, known as "School House Four". It's legendary in the area not only because of its rich and interesting history but because of it's many reports of hauntings and bizarre occurrences. There are are plethora of articles available on the internet about this fascinating building.