This was definitely a romantic comedy with a twist.
The story in "Miss Change" was a bit strange, and might not actually have an appeal to everyone. It is about a clever attorney whom is severely hindered in his job given his debilitating shyness and inability to look women in the eye. When he one day finds a passed out woman in a back alley, things change dramatically for the young man, and he is given a much needed break and chance at obtaining what he has his heart set on.
I am a big an of Asian cinema and do like South Korean movies quite a lot. However, "Miss Change" wasn't an outstanding movie. Don't get me wrong with this statement, because I am not saying that it was not a good movie. "Miss Change" is good for what it was, however in comparison to so many other romantic comedies that have come from the South Korean cinema, then it was somewhat of a generic movie which didn't really stand out as being unique or truly special. And it was mainly because parts of the story were just feeling prolonged and tended to drag on for an unnecessarily long time on the screen.
The cast in the movie was good and they were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters. I can't, however, claim to be overly familiar with the actors and actresses seen in this movie, even with my extensive interest in the South Korean cinema. So it was great to see some entirely new face.
The characters in the movie were well-detailed and nicely brought to life on the screen, and that was thanks to some great writing by writer Ju-Hyun Kim, but also the ability to do good character portraying by the actors and actresses on the cast list. And the dialogue was equally well constructed and delivered, bringing the characters in front and giving them depth and good interactions.
There was a very, very unnecessary naked sex scene taking place some time after midways in the movie, which just brought a very sleazy touch to the movie. It was so out of tune with the rest of the movie, and it was so misplaced.
The collaboration between director Cho-Shin Jung and writer Ju-Hyun Kim, unfortunately, didn't bring about anything remarkably memorable or outstanding.
For a romantic comedy, "Miss Change" was lacking key ingredients in both genres, and that really caused the movie to fall way behind many other romantic comedies that have graced the South Korean cinema. You might find some enjoyment in the movie, just as I did, but don't expect to be blown away in any sense.