7 reviews
- dominionlimo-75616
- Jan 4, 2021
- Permalink
This film is so bad that it's good. The acting, special effects, camera work, sound and editing are C grade. The dinosaur special effects are cartoonish and blurry. But if you just take it for what it is its entertaining. It's like a modern version of those badly made B grade obscure films in the horror section of every video rental store back in the 80's and early 90s that no one had ever heard of but still got rented out from time to time. This film seems like it was made by not very talented college students but its watchable and so corny it's good. Give this C grade dinosaur apocalypse film a watch and just enjoy it for what it is.
- becepurcell
- Dec 5, 2024
- Permalink
It Is a very low quality Film, I thought It was a comedy, but It actually tries, It should of gone full satire. There are way too Many amateur first Time filmmakers without distribution out there AND this Gets Amazon prime? The audio was the one thing I couldnt stand, the levels kept jumping. I am all down for terrible acting, AND terrible vfx. That didint matter. I could not finish It. The music was too forced, just make It a Damm comedy. Wasted oportunity.
- Leofwine_draca
- Jun 26, 2017
- Permalink
The problems are large enough that I would need a whole book to display my frustrations. I'll make it simple. Bad acting, poor CGI, terrible story. People always use terms like "hallmark" or "Syfy" movie to reference tv movies. While you would think this would fall into the latter it does not. Even Syfy would say no. Sharknado is so bad it's good. This is so bad it's just bad.
Its so bad, it's actually entertaining.
The acting is atrocious, which ins't helped by the inanely ridiculous dialogue.
I can forgive the hysterically poor CGI, but there's no excuse for using BAD ACTORS. There are great actors EVERYWHERE. Hell, some people who've done community theatre would have been better than these three.
The performances are about as wooden as they can be, and this film is a great example why directors should NOT act in their own films... Unless you're Clint Eastwood, and let's be honest. None of us are Clint Eastwood...
The acting is atrocious, which ins't helped by the inanely ridiculous dialogue.
I can forgive the hysterically poor CGI, but there's no excuse for using BAD ACTORS. There are great actors EVERYWHERE. Hell, some people who've done community theatre would have been better than these three.
The performances are about as wooden as they can be, and this film is a great example why directors should NOT act in their own films... Unless you're Clint Eastwood, and let's be honest. None of us are Clint Eastwood...
- eddietude-1
- Jun 29, 2017
- Permalink
Okay, going in you know it's going to be a low budget film with plenty of amateurish aspects to it. Still, I enjoyed myself with the action/creature scenes. They are not up to Hollywood quality, but far superior to anything The Asylum has put out.
The writing is a bit on the nose for certain plot points, and overall the acting/directing needed improvement, but I give Franklin-Husser credit for trying. According to the IMDb it's their first film, so I was willing to give them a break.
The writing is a bit on the nose for certain plot points, and overall the acting/directing needed improvement, but I give Franklin-Husser credit for trying. According to the IMDb it's their first film, so I was willing to give them a break.
- info-83771
- Jun 28, 2017
- Permalink