First of all, if you're the type of person who doesn't like the style, well, I won't be able to entice you, I'm sure. But I personally adore the animation style. It is so dynamic and interesting. Movement looks incredible and i like that it's sort of like watching many styles come together.
Story wise, though, this is unbeatable for me. What is so great about a well crafted story is often it's specificity. People sometimes make the mistake of trying to tell a very generic story; one where they are very obviously trying to make a character a blank slate and allow for a vicarious experience of sorts.
But the more specific a story is, the more a person will connect to it simply be virtue that at the heart of every person, we are similar. I've never played ping pong. I don't know anything about the game. And while this story is about the game-more so, about interrogating "game" itself-its also about what makes an impression on you when you're young.
It's about remembering who you are through the eyes of someone else. Its about joy being indomitable, but often discarded as lesser than emotion by society.
It's about growing up and finding some kind of agency in the world. Wether by connections to people, or the associations you've made along the way that ground you in the person you are today.
So like all good stories, in its specificity, we find that it is about many things. Almost certainly you will find something moving here.