24 Days (2014) (French: 24 jours, la vérité sur l'affaire Ilan Halimi - lit. 24 Days: The True Story of the Ilan Halimi Affair) is a French drama film directed by Alexandre Arcady released in 2014. It examines The Affair of the Gang of Barbarians of January 2006.
EPILOGUE: "29 suspects are charged. 19 were convicted. Youssouf Fofana: Life. (The other gang members: between 5 to 18 years) Samir Aït Andelmalek 'Smiler': 18 years. Jérôme Ribeiro: 10 years. Emma (mineure au moment faits): 9 years. Tiffen Gouret: 11 years. Gilles Serrurier: 10 years. Jean-Christophe Soumbou: 18 years. Nabil Moustafa: 14 years. Christophe Martin Vallet: 12 years. Yayia Toure Cabat: 11 years. Fabrice Polygone: 12 years. Cédric Birot Saint-Yves: 12 years. Jean-Christophe (mineure au moment faits): 15 years. Francis Oussivo n'Gazi: 6 years. Audrey lor leach: 2 years. Sabrine Fontaine: 3 years. Franco Louise: 5 years. Guiri oussivo N'Gazi: 7 years. Alexandra Sisilia: 5 years."