Given that it is a low-budget film that has not been made in a large Hollywood studio, the movie is extremely sophisticated and well made. The story talks about the present state of our social system, the destruction of our planet and the fundamental causes for aberrant behavior in today's society. A resource-based economy - social system, presented in the film as a sustainable model for the new millennium, is an interesting new paradigm, definitely worth taking into account when searching for global solutions. The film also highlights the areas that we pay too little attention, but are key to understanding the current situation in the world. Especially impressive is the attention that is given to perhaps the most difficult but also the most important area - the nature of human behavior. Taking into account the scientific advances in this field, the film presents a vision of social engineering aimed at understanding and addressing the root causes of negative behavior in society.
Excellent editing, great interviews, daring ideas, workable plan ... Why are there not more of such films today?