Regular film goers conditioned to the excess of Hollywood may be forgiven for forgetting that the point of film is to allow an artist to entertain via his skills and creativity, and ONLY those skills and creativity.
I cannot in good conscience (after about 1200 reviews here) think of a film that more clearly embodies that idea. As I understand it, the artiste spent on this film less than what an agent in Hollywood gets to simply negotiate one single deal.
The writing, the humor, the music, the occasional stream of consciousness, the cinematography (all the music bits, and also the Freejumping scene, and the "Asia infant spy program" bit) all scream ... Genius.
I also liked the no-segue comment on Olympic Volleyball, it reveals the kind of mind we are dealing with.
Was thoroughly entertained except for the scenes with Beefy. While I fully understand that films like this require "making use of all parts of the chicken" to create economic ecology, you have to consider that the viewer "invests" his or her time in each moment watching, and Beefy is simply not charismatic enough to justify that investment. Otherwise, brilliant. Totally brilliant.