Brent Butt credited as playing...
Brent Leroy
- Bad Guy: [armed robber enters Corner Gas brandishing a shotgun] Open the till! Put the money in a bag - Now!
- Brent Leroy: Ok. Did you bring your own bag? Or I'll have to charge you a nickle.
- Bad Guy: How about I blow your head off and charge you 50 cents for the shell?
- Brent Leroy: That's not a fair comparison at all.
- Hank Yarbo: [opening lines] How long has it been?
- Brent Leroy: [immediately without looking up from comic book] April 13th 2009
- Hank Yarbo: No way! You sure?
- Brent Leroy: Well I can't be 100 percent sure since I don't know what you're talking about.
- [April 13, 2009 was the last broadcast of a new episode of the TV series]
- Brent Leroy: Alright buddy here's your tab - time to go
- Jerome: I'm not ready to go
- Brent Leroy: Well I'm ready for you to go - you're getting a little sloppy. So vamoose!
- Jerome: Or?
- Brent Leroy: Or... skeddadle, scurry, scoot...
- Jerome: I'll go when I'm good and ready
- [Brent rolls up his sleeve showing his arm]
- Jerome: As it turns out, I'm ready now
- [and he turns to leave]
- Oscar Leroy: Are you questioning my abilities?
- Brent Leroy: No dad - when it comes to your abilities none of us has any question.
- Oscar Leroy: Sure laugh it up! You won't be so smart when the four Norsemen of the apocalypse come riding down Main Street.
- [after seeing Brent and Lacey kiss affectionately]
- Oscar Leroy: She likes you. Ask her out, ya Jackass!
- Brent Leroy: I did ask her out. Two years ago.
- Lacey Burrows: [everyone is stunned] I said yes, in case this isn't clear.
- [Brent and Lacey have been officially a couple for two years]
- [last lines]
- Emma Leroy: This is great! I can finally have grand-children.
- Lacey Burrows: Oh, no. We discussed it. We're not going to have kids.
- Brent Leroy: [Emma is shocked] What? I'm not sharing my comic books with a grubby little jam-hands.
- Emma Leroy: Son of a...
- [cut to closing credits]
- Hank Yarbo: I can't believe those Wullerton weirdos
- [Hank and Brent spit]
- Hank Yarbo: raised all that money to bail us out.
- Brent Leroy: Yeah, all those lemonade stands and choir recitals...
- Brent Leroy: Hmph. Those self-serving *bastards*.
- Hank Yarbo: I got tons of ideas on how to capitalize on this. And with my brains and your money, we can't miss.
- Brent Leroy: But you don't have my money. Or much of the other stuff.
- Brent Leroy: I'm sorry, my head is in a million places. I'm up to my keister in debt - Maybe more. My keister's pretty low.