- Roger Ebert [Godfrey Cheshire]
- carmattos.com [Carlos Alberto Mattos] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Critique film [Tobias Dunschen]
- French
- Digital Fix, The (Steven Sheehan)
- El Antepenúltimo Mohicano [Luis Forero]
- Spanish
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Amber Wilkinson]
- FF2 Media [Nora Lee Mandel]
- Film Review Daily [Mansel Stimpson]
- Hollywood Reporter [Boyd van Hoeij]
- La Realidad No Existe [Arantxa Acosta]
- Spanish
- Ozus' World Movie Reviews [Dennis Schwartz]
- Pegado a la butaca [Alberto Villaescusa Rico]
- Spanish
- Revista Icónica [Gustavo E. Ramírez]
- Spanish
- Screen International [David D'Arcy]
- Slant Magazine [Jesse Cataldo]
- The Hollywood News [Paul Heath]
- The Upcoming [Oliver Johnston]
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