Borderlands TPS! Takes place between Borderlands and Borderlands 2. This allows for origin stories for Wilhelm, and Nisha; Who would later become bosses in the sequel.
There is a reference to the Star Wars trilogy in a mission, in which you must escort a Golden Loader bot, and a Blue Claptrap to a man, which will end in the Claptrap projecting a hologram of a woman, who nags the man. Along the way, the Loader and Claptrap quarrel(In which the claptrap on beeps and books) This is a nod to Star Wars Episode IV, which features C3-P0 ( Which The Loader is based after) and R2-D2.(Which the Claptrap is based after)
Wilhelm is a playable character TPS, and was a Boss in Borderlands 2, his skill tree; "Cyber Commando" allows you to make changes to his body. Such changes include Power Fist(Arm) Legs, and the Vengence Cannon. While these skills are spent, Wilhelm's voice turns from human, to more mechanical.
The race with Lunestalker is another Easter egg to Star Wars Episode 1, Anakins podrace.
First Borderlands game where Claptrap is a playable character.