The idea of watching a television show from the small country of Singapore will probably have many potential viewers at first saying, "Why would I want to watch such a show?" To that I say, "Why not?" After all, there are some terrific television shows coming out from Asia, many of them available on Netflix, which is where I found "Unriddle". And it's a very well done police show. It is by no means perfect. While the show never looks downright cheap, the low budget is often evident. And there is some clunky writing here and there, ranging from hard to believe plot turns to supposed surprises being no surprise at all. But the show has more strengths than weaknesses. The two lead actresses do a very good job in their very different roles, and when paired together, generate some excellent chemistry. The show also emphasizes characters, giving them multiple layers and room to grow and evolve over the course of many episodes. And there are no dull spots, despite the fact that there isn't a terrible amount of action. As I said, this isn't a classic show, but it's quite likable and watchable. I just finished watching the first season a few minutes ago, and I am very much looking forward to watching the second season.