Johan Tryman who played Crane in the previous film was set to reprise his role. He declined due to other commitments and was replaced by Fabian Hedlund, who parted ways because of scheduling with his theater. Ultimately Sasha Ytterskog was cast, and he also played the character Graves.
Joar Lindén was offered the role of Number One, the leader of the secret organization in which the villains in the film are working for.
Pauli Janhunen Calderón was initially unsure if he should play Clank in this film. He decided to do it eventually, stating that he wanted to stay true to the continuity of the preceding film.
The entire final battle was originally supposed to take place outside at Gärdet. A storm broke out and caused some problems. The crew decided to film the rest of the action indoors. Since they were close to Stockholm's Cinematek, they asked for permission to film there.
Adam Leijon, Gabriel Tiedtke: Leijon, the director of films like The Swedish Dream (2015) and The Red Trees (2016), co-directed with Pauli Janhunen Calderón, plays two henchmen in forest shootout scene. The first of them gets shot down by Graves and the second one appears afterwards informing another henchman: "Keep looking for survivors". Tiedtke, also a filmmaker and director of countless music videos appears in the same scenes with Leijon, also playing two henchmen. He dies in the action bit and later has a short dialogue with Leijon's character.