Wed, Sep 30, 2015
After waking up with a hangover stand-up comedian Freddy finds his way to Bevergem. Claude, the local politician, tries to rent him out a shabby loft above the charity shop and to set him up as a janitor. The entry of Freddy in Bevergem creates mixed feelings with the inhabitants.
Mon, Sep 7, 2015
Hilde, the newly appointed director of the charity shop, finds her way to Bevergem. The two charity shop employees Kenny and Lorenzo are afraid that she will change everything. Local car salesman Amar chooses a pig to be fattened for the BBQ of Bevergem's yearly Sow Festival. Amar and his wife Martine invite Freddy to their home.
Wed, Nov 4, 2015
At the press conference for the Sow Festival Claude comes up with a stunt: a tattooed pig of his artist cousin Wim Delvoye to star in the yearly parade. A journalist recognizes Freddy and the redhead gang help Freddy to deal with the problem. Kurt speaks out his profound love for Hilde.