Well, this is a big disappointment, back in 2017-2019 when I was still a little boy back then, I watched feng shui and it was one of the best Horror Filipino films I have ever seen in my life (American horror movies still beat it though), and when I was about to watch the sequel I had pretty high expectations to be really good, and when i watched it my expectations flew out the window, this Sequel was bad, like REALLY BAD!, not bad as Jaws: The Revenge but Still pretty bad, the way it opens feels like i am watching a comedy movie, even Lotus Feet, the main villain in the first movie doesn't even feel threatening or scary at all. All she kind of does is walk around and do nothing, the storyline is uninteresting and the characters felt flat (expect for Kris Aquino's Character from the first film but even her character didn't feel interesting), and the jump scares feel tamer than the first one, and what's even worse is that they should've left the first film alone, they could've done something good about the sequel like introduce another main character and another storyline thats like set either between the first film or after the first film, overall one of the WORST HORROR MOVIE SEQUELS I HAVE EVER SEEN! 2/10.