I recently watched Cocaine Cowboys Reloaded (2014) on Tubi. The storyline follows Miami in the early '80s, when the city transformed from a retirement haven to a hub of drugs, sex, and violence, becoming the cocaine capital of the US. The war on drugs overwhelms the local government, and without external assistance, there's little hope of stopping the international drug cartels dominating the city.
Directed by Billy Corben (Broke), the film excels in interviewing individuals involved in the intricate details of drug pickups and drop-offs, as well as contracted hitmen of the era. Having enjoyed Cocaine Cowboys, I found Cocaine Cowboys Reloaded to be much of the same. While it includes 30 more minutes of interviews and content, most of the film recycles footage from the original. There are slight variations, with some areas offering more details and others less, but overall, it follows the same narrative as Cocaine Cowboys, without enough new content to make it worthwhile if you've seen the original.
In conclusion, Cocaine Cowboys Reloaded is entertaining and worth a watch, but only if you haven't already seen Cocaine Cowboys. I would score this an 7/10 and strongly recommend it to new viewers.