In all fairness, I watched the Director's Cut of this movie. Found on the "Absurd Horror" Blu-ray, and for whatever reason with 11 minutes cut out, I don't know how much this differs from the original DVD, but as I'm discovering with Bill Zebub's formula, it can't be much.
Movie takes place entirely in the woods, though the Nazis were supposed to have crash landed on an island populated by cannibals. What you've got is comic relief, slow-motion fights, some torture, implied sex (with the prerequisite extended light groping), and an ending that implies there was a story here somewhere. Alright, who likes their action SLOW and redundant? Honestly, I don't know who that is supposed to appeal to.
What it all adds up to, is a campy exploitation picture? Maybe? Which I'm all for, but Zebub makes the proceedings excessively slow, with essentially no plot (I mean, there is a premise, but it doesn't go anywhere). What has puzzled me most, is how he gets such beautiful women to appear in these crappy movies. In this, all but one is totally nude, and there's always an appearance by the vejay. Lydia Lael is amusing as a valley girl... er, Nazi, Zebub rambles. Assuming he is constantly ad-libbing, the concentration camp survivor at the end was having trouble keeping a straight face. Anyway, kudos to the guy for getting the women he does to do the things they do, but yeah, still not a good movie.